Support Us!

Help Arts Alive Thrive!

Long past our initial grant funding, in 2023 we strive to keep our tuition cost low, while providing top-notch, experienced staff, published sheet music, art supplies, effective publicity, excursions, daily refreshments, and other necessities for adequate safety and comfort. Your support will help us to offer low tuition, scholarships and family discounts, as we honor our mission and commitment to Cape Ann citizens of all ages.


We Are Building Something Exciting!

We have seen how a chorus of children’s voices, singing songs that connect them with their surroundings and with their community can inspire. We have watched children beam at the appreciation expressed by their audiences. We envision a Cape Ann children’s chorus performing at community events throughout the year, singing songs that celebrate the richly diverse cultural and environmental essence of Cape Ann, starting with some of the programs planned with the Gloucester 400+ organization this coming fall. We believe that a Cape Ann children’s chorus could quite proudly join the ranks of regional children’s choruses across the state.


Cape Ann Arts Alive Mission

Our mission is to foster children’s appreciation for the unique environment, history and culture of Cape Ann, as well as a sense of belonging to the ongoing story of this magnificent region. Through the creative disciplines of music, visual arts, theater, dance, and connection with the people and places of the area, we strive to cultivate curiosity, encourage artistic expression, build confidence and a desire to enage generously with peers and community.